Welcome to my blog..

This is the first entry to my personal blog documenting my journey to becoming a Data Scientist!

By writing about things I am learning, my goal is to:

  1. help me to better understand content
  2. showcase my work to potential future employers
  3. help others by creating this resource of information

So you can understand where Iā€™m coming from and what my starting point for my Data Science journey is, here is some more info about me:

I have a MsC in Biotechnology and a PhD in Neuroscience and I worked in computational research in academia for several years after finishing my PhD. My work involved processing large image data sets by doing procedural programming via shell (bash) scripts on Ubuntu/CentOS Linux systems and (remote) computer clusters. I had a basic understanding of statistics and used Python and R to complete small tasks. I was teaching myself scripting/programming using books and tutorials and was implementing what I learnt in my work.

Carrying out projects from start to finish in the computational sphere was very exciting and challenging and I wanted to do great things; so I decided to build a more solid foundation in Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics and Programming.

Therefore, I committed to invest my time and energy into acquiring knowledge and practical experience in these subjects so I can become the best Data Scientist I can be and help to build quality, sustainable & ethical tools to make this world a better place.

Since I started my (neverending) Data Science journey, I have completed courses & tutorials in SQL, Python, R, Linear Algebra and Statistics. From now on I will be documenting my achievements and milestones here on this webpage.



Written on December 29, 2019